Saturday, September 4, 2010

Roll On, Rover! Good Dog, Good Trick!

I'm feeling Tricky today.  Sort of like a juggler who's got maybe just one too many plates in the air

but juggles on anyways,  grinning and shuffling,  whether anyone's actually watching the Show or not.

Balance.  Yin/yang etc etc..  A really Neat Trick, and harder than it looks.

I'm a behaviourist, damn it, and an eager student of many disciplines.  My Interests are Wide:
ranging from psychology, to philosophy
(which always requires a bit of knowledge about the History  of Humanity)
to a little anthropology, to sociology.   Throw in some biology, chemistry, and genetic research,
and you've got all the makings of a very curious, and often busy mind.

It's all led me to where I am today,   my first/best  Spark Of Interest,  Animal Behavior.

I tie everything I've ever learned about Humans.. into what I know about animals!
It seems like a logical progression to me,  for despite most people's best effort to distance themselves
from their most basic instincts,  it seems fairly obvious to me that most people?
Are driven by the same motivating factors that drive all Life on this planet.
Survival.  And Reproduction.
First of the individual,  then of the species.

Or,  we can pander to the simplest definitions..  Eat  or Be Eaten.  Fight to Fuck  Whatever You Can,
as often as possible!  (Or the Female version:  Pick The Best Provider to Fuck,  So You May Safely Reproduce)

Walk Tall, With a Really Big Stick,  or Lay Low, and Count On Camouflage.
That's the simplest Survival Rules I've ever been able to define..
and it's worked for a lot of species for a long long time here on this home world.

So:  what the HELL does this have to do with me, or anyone else in our 'civilized' society?

This is my 'Issue' today.  I'm truly worried about the survival of our species,  since I'm seeing
less and less acknowledgement of these simple premises. 

We've gotten way too busy being the 'Masters Of Our Planet' to remember that in the end,
we're just another fairly well developed mammal.  A product of genes, circumstances, and
the Grace of God (or whatever higher power you relate to)  AND
just a part of a Whole System.
It's been a pretty good System,  from every bit of Scientific Knowledge that we've developed!

What gets me.. is the realization that according to the best of our Understanding..
it was going on long before we got here, and will probably continue to do so with or without our help.

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