Sunday, July 18, 2010

Call It An 'Extra' Blog..

   It has much to do with the fact that FaceBook,  ain't cuttin it for me.

Before I Delete myself entirely from what seems to be the world's Biggest Social Network,
I'm going to talk a little about just why it bothers me.

Ha!  Before I stick this on my Wall, or NewsFeed inside Facebook,  I plan to Log-On right here,  everything that both amuses and alarms me about being part of the World's Biggest Network, facebook.

I've been 2 yrs offline, and 2 yrs of NetTime is like 10 yrs of the Real World.  facebook... was just a gleam in someone's eye when I left off here in cyberland.

There's good shit about facebook,  like finding real Live humans from your past.  There's bad things about facebook,  in that once you create a 'public' profile there..  you are Public!

This phenomenon works great, if you happen to be a very public person, or are dying to do so.
It's incredible!  Just how fast a meme, or U-Tube can become wildly popular!  I can see that if you're already Famous, or desperately trying  to be,  well then Hell-Yeah-

Your facebook Persona can help you ' spread the word'.

(After 2 yrs offline,  I had to do some research into exactly who or what this Lady Gaga entity was:  I'm awed.. by His/Her/It's success).

I read a lot of news.  Hell:  I read a lot, period!
If it catches my attention,  I do a lot of research to get the story-behind-the-story on all kinds of stuff!

In between my musings about Social Networks, and Blogs, and Live Feeds from everything from Hollywood Heros & Weirdos to the most Scientific Technical Details,  to Opinions:  both mine, and a whole bunch of people I respect.
I'm going to lay some links on ya here.  There's also going to be the links of stuff that's near & dear to my heart...  Critters.  All of them.
Some cute Animal photos, Stories, and Videos. 

Just stuff that caught my eye,

Out Here..

Where We Don't Have To Work On Maggiez Farm, No More.

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